A Hope that Endures (part 1)
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1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
A Hope that Endures (part 1)
1) Grieving with Hope (4:13-18): Hope encourages us to face death differently.
A) a hope grounded in the past v14
‘Jesus died and rose’
B) a hope centred in the Lord v15-16
‘The Lord’s own word’, ‘The Lord himself will come’
C) a hope realised in the heavens v16-17
‘Together we will be with the Lord forever’
– Point of this to encourage any who have concerns about those who have died before the return of Jesus. We grieve differently about Christians who die, and we don’t worry about them, they shall be there too alongside all who trust in Jesus.
2) Living with Focus (5:1-11): Hope encourages us to live differently.
We do not know when Jesus will return.
Some will be feeling safe who shouldn’t – they will be surprised
But those who trust in Jesus should not be caught out. We live as children of light, we are ‘alert and self-controlled’, we put on faith and love and hope like a suit of armour. Jesus died so that those who trust in him would not suffer wrath but receive salvation. This is our encouragement to live as those who have a hope of Jesus return.
– Point of this is to cause Christians not to worry about when Jesus comes back but to live in the light, lives pleasing to God of faith, love and hope.