Anniversary Sunday & Giving Day 28th Feb

On Sunday 28th February we celebrate 52 years of ministry at the Ascension. This year we use this day to launch a 3-4 year plan for expanding our ministry among families and some building renovation work. It is our annual invitation to review our giving.

You should be able to download the letter that has been sent out to the church family and the pledge form if you would like to participate in this.

Really we are offering this plan to the congregation and to God and we will see how much of it we will be able to proceed with. On the day more will be said and there will be time to discuss the plans at Tea.

On Sunday we meet at 10.30am and 4.30pm for tea followed by worship and prayer at 6pm all in church. Peter Bye will lead our music for the day and on Saturday at 3pm he will run a workshop for any musicians or singers who would like to come.

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