Last Sunday we celebrated our 52nd Anniversary by launching an investment project, and were invited to share our thoughts over Tea, pray at the 6.00 service and consider our response to our annual Giving Review and the project launch by using the pledge forms. Here is a brief summary of the Sunday morning message.
1 Chronicles 29.
Is the church in the UK on its last legs or is it thriving? It depends where you go, even within Brighton. What about the Ascension – is it time for consolidation or investment? The church in the Old Testament wrestled with this after the exile, after the hayday of Israel under Kings David & Solomon, and after Israel was broken up and scattered, when the temple was in ruin and God’s cause looked on its last legs. They were demoralised and wondered if it was worth going on.
To inspire them again, the story was told of when King David first built the temple. David said the task is great, but we do it ‘not for man but for the Lord God.’ (v.1) The Temple represented God’s presence among the people and was the place where God’s word was taught. So David led the way by reminding them how important this project was because it is for God’s glory. And today it is important to To Realise that the Church is central to God’s plan for the world to honour him. Of course today this is not primarily the building but the people of God ‘Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?’
To encourage the people, the King led the way. ‘With all my resources I have provided for the temple of my God… gold… silver… bronze… iron… wood… onyx… precious stones’ but not just from his treasury also from his own pocket ‘Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures…’ and invited them to respond ‘now who is willing to consecrate himself today to the LORD?’ (v.2-5)
Who of US is willing to serve God with all that we are and have? This is our challenge. To Resource the Church as if we believed it is central to God’s plan to honour him. In this season of reinvention as a church we invite you to follow the lead of the Focus Group who have made their pledges in advance.
In closing it is noted that King David was looking for willing givers whose hearts are moved by the task of honouring God through the work of his Temple (v.6-9). We don’t ask for anything different today. He will provide the resources necessary, and if this is his will he will move in our hearts to make this possible.